$75.00 USD

2 monthly payments

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One-on-One Health Coaching Session

This is a 90-minute health coaching session. This allows the client to share the symptoms, diet, prescription medication, and health history. It allows the Coach an opportunity to ask questions to determine the root cause of the imbalance the client is experiencing. 

The Coach will make recommendations on the dietary regimen, herbal supplements/herbal remedy additions to the diet, and suggestions on biomedical testing where required by the Patient’s Medical Doctor.

Terms and Conditions:


The client understands the Coach is not a medical doctor. The client is aware that the Coach practices and understands Prophetic Medicine, Islamic Medicine, and Herbalism and there are no licensing or professional associations on a global level. The coaching provided is based on the Coach’s personal experience as well as any clinical experience gained by servicing family, friends, and other clients.


The rate for the One-on-One Coaching is $150.00USD for a 90-minute session.  Payments are due at the time of booking a session. If payment is not received, the session is not booked. All sessions are conducted via video conferencing (such as Zoom or Google Meet).


  1. The client is responsible for full payment of fees for the entire booked session, regardless of whether the client completes the scheduled consulting session in full. To further clarify, no refunds will be issued.
  2. If the client postpones the session 48 hours before the scheduled session, then there are no penalties incurred. If the client cancels or postpones the session within 48 hours before the scheduled call, the client will lose 30 minutes of the session and will only receive 60 minutes on the re-scheduled appointment.
  3. If the client does not attend the scheduled session, nor cancels in advance, then NO REFUND will be made and no rescheduled appointments will be offered.


  1. The contents of the Coaching sessions are strictly confidential, including all information provided unless specifically agreed otherwise by the Coach and client.
  2. The client is aware that the employees of the Coach have access to these confidential files to the capacity of their assistance in each case and they are bound by the confidentiality of all the content therewithin. 


  1. All written notes and records are kept securely and are subject to the above confidentiality clause.


The patient accepts and agrees that the client is 100% responsible for the progress and results of the Agreement. Nurasunna Rediscover Wellness (Coach) will help and guide clients; however, participation in the one vital element to the Agreement’s success that relies solely on the client. The Coach makes no representations, warranties or guarantees verbally or in writing regarding the client’s performance. The client understands that because of the nature of the program and extent, the results experienced by each client may significantly vary.