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Gut Health: The Home of Disease and Its Cure

Despite remarkable medical advancements, developed countries grapple with an escalating array of health issues, contrasting starkly with the realities in underdeveloped countries.

Why the disparity?

Join us Thursday, February 15th, 2024
12 pm EST (New York), 5pm GMT (London)


In this workshop, you will 

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Home of Disease

Why is the gut often referred to as the epicenter of disease? Can healthy food make us sick?
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Signs and Symptoms

What signs and symptoms should individuals watch for to discern if their gut health is compromised?
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Restoring Gut Health

What are the health risks associated with neglecting signs of an imbalanced gut flora?

Many attribute the statement "المعدة بيت الداء، والحمية رأس الدواء" to the Prophet Muhammad SAWS. However, it's actually an Arab Proverb, believed to have been first stated by Al-Harith bin Kalada, the Prophet's doctor. It translates to: "The stomach is the house of disease, and diet is the head of medicine."

To answer why the disparity and many more, I’ve invited Dr. Fawziyah Abdelqadir, a medical doctor who transitioned to a Naturopathic Doctor and further enhanced her knowledge with Hijama Cupping Therapy and Acupuncture. Not to mention, she’s also taken my Nurasunna Rediscover Wellness Master. 

Dr. Fawziyah has successfully treated patients with a wide range of ailments including allergies, gut disorders, autoimmune conditions, migraines, and hormonal imbalances. She emphasizes finding the root causes of illnesses and employs diet and lifestyle modifications, spiritual counseling, as well as supplements and herbal remedies in her treatment approach.

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Coach and Mentor

Aiman Attar, a dedicated researcher in Prophetic Medicine, Islamic Medicine, and Herbalism, embodies the role of a nurturing mother to her five children while striving to uphold the teachings of Islam and Islamic medicine in preventing illness, fostering healing, and providing nourishment.

Driven by a profound dissatisfaction with the Standard American Diet (SAD) and the limited solutions offered by modern medical science to address general health problems, she embarked on a passionate quest to uncover remedies for holistic well-being through traditional nourishment and therapies. Recognizing the challenges posed by our fast-paced and chaotic lifestyle, Aiman endeavors to discover practical solutions that seamlessly integrate into our busy routines, empowering individuals and families to attain optimal health and wellness.

Your Instructor

Aiman Attar is a researcher in Prophetic Medicine, Islamic Medicine and Herbalism. As a mother of 5, her objective is to prevent illness as well as heal and nourish herself and her family according to the teachings of Islam and Islamic medicine. Dissatisfied with the Standard American Diet (SAD) and the lack of solutions for general health problems in modern medical science, she began her quest to discover remedies for wellness from traditional nourishment and therapies that can fit into our busy, chaotic lifestyle.

Insha'Allah, this is an interactive LIVE podcast, so bring your questions!