Islamic Medicine's Guide to the Body Types.
Somewhere along the path to good health, truths changed. Our foods changed. Our medicine changed. Our relationship with our bodies changed. We now find ourselves disconnected; disconnected from the earth, from nature, from each other, from our food, and even disconnected from our own bodies.
To understand how we’ve ended up here today and why the concept of disease and healing are so vastly different from the medicine practiced at the time of the Prophet Muhammad ļ·ŗ, we need to go back and examine how medicine has evolved.
About the Book
Have you ever wondered why some people, no matter what they eat, just cannot gain weight?
Or why others, who spend endless time and energy trying to eat healthy and even cut down on food, cannot lose weight?
It’s frustrating not knowing why your body isn’t responding to the advice and tips that’s helped your friend lose pounds. If it works for others, it should work for you, too, right? Wrong.
Our bodies are complex, and so are its needs. This might seem like common sense but what we don’t know is that each body is unique, and therefore, when it comes to healing and following tips and hacks, there’s no one-size-fits-all.

This knowledge will build your foundation so that you can begin your journey to
health and well-being.
Knowing my body type has empowered me with making the right food choices.
For a long time, I was just as unaware of this intricacy as the next person. Then a turning point in my life necessitated that I study Traditional medicine and search for a cure.
I learned the hard way that I can't eat the same foods as my husband. When we were newly married, we would eat together and try different foods, but I didn't understand that my digestion and metabolism weren't the same as his. I began having allergies and reacting to foods that are a common ingredient in every household.
I didn’t know at the time that my body is a Phlegmatic Body Type, and he's a Choleric Body Type.
Not knowing the specific needs and unique characteristics of my body type led me to suffer for many years, with continuous trips to the hospital.
I was afraid not just for my own health but also for my children’s. If I didn’t know how to take care of my body, how could I ensure their wellbeing?
I finally began researching Prophetic medicine, Islamic medicine, and Herbalism and was blown away to find out that we don't all have the same body types. This helped me understand my body's needs as well as why each of my children had different food cravings and aversions.
Once you know your body type, you’ll know exactly what foods are good for you and what you should avoid, what diseases you are prone to, and what will aggravate your health.