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Lose Weight and Improve Your Health

The Ramadan Remedy is a divine cure for our Foodie Nafs

Thursday, March 14th, 2024
1:00 pm New York (EST) | 5:00 pm London (GMT) |
8:00 pm Istanbul/Jeddah

In this webinar, you will 

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Ignite Clean Digestion:

How can we support our digestive system so we can enjoy our meals without bloating, indigestion, and other gut issues?

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Benefits of Fasting:

Ramadan isn't only an amazing time to lose weight, but it has the potential to heal so many imbalances we currently have.

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Ramadan Remedy:

The habits we have that nullify the benefits of fasting and what we can do instead to improve our health.

Become an empowered Muslim who worships Allāh ﷻ to the highest level by implementing the etiquettes and sunnah of healing in a manner pleasing to Allah ﷻ by reviving Prophetic medicine, Islamic medicine and Herbalism in your life.

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Your Instructor

Aiman Attar is a researcher in Prophetic Medicine, Islamic Medicine and Herbalism. As a mother of 5, her objective is to prevent illness as well as heal and nourish herself and her family according to the teachings of Islam and Islamic medicine. Dissatisfied with the Standard American Diet (SAD) and the lack of solutions for general health problems in modern medical science, she began her quest to discover remedies for wellness from traditional nourishment and therapies that can fit into our busy, chaotic lifestyle.

Your Instructor

Aiman Attar is a researcher in Prophetic Medicine, Islamic Medicine and Herbalism. As a mother of 5, her objective is to prevent illness as well as heal and nourish herself and her family according to the teachings of Islam and Islamic medicine. Dissatisfied with the Standard American Diet (SAD) and the lack of solutions for general health problems in modern medical science, she began her quest to discover remedies for wellness from traditional nourishment and therapies that can fit into our busy, chaotic lifestyle.

Insha’Allah, this webinar will empower you to make the choices that support your healing efforts and facilitate your weight loss journey.